Wednesday 2 December 2009

ELSPod528~~~Negotiating salary

Impressed (n) 印像深刻
eg. I was very impressed with you, when you interviewed for a position with me last week.

salary (n) 薪水(your paid in year)
eg. I think we need to talk about salary.

Negotiation (n) people who are trying to reach an agreement
eg.The team is in negotiation with the player.

Consider (v) think about

Annual (n) every year

Constraints (v) a limit we can do

Grammar tipto up
If you’re willing to up the offer to $60,000 ,then I think it may be I can do it.

about useage of ELSpod
The ELSpod is very nice for practice listening scale and we can download podcast ,they give us audio index that we can choose when we need to listening part.
First, slow dialogue ,we can listening clearly and have a time to think meaning for what.
Second, listening explanations we can understand more clearly about dialogue.
Third, fast dialogue can make our listening scale better.

Day/Date 12/1/2009
Time Begin 20:10
Time ended 20:40
Program/Station/Title ELSPod528~~~Negotiating salary


  1. Right, slower speed makes the listening much easier. Also, the explanation helps us understand the content better. If you find this site helpful to your, keep listening to it. O.k.?

  2. Fiona,
    I can't find your assignment 4 and 6. Did you put them somewhere else?
